Functional Structure

The overall coordination of the journals is attributed to the Editor-in-Chief who is responsible for the day-to-day management of each issue, including the suitability of the topics published, the verification of their originality, the objectivity and transparency of the review and decision process, and the management of any conflicts related to the editorial process.  These processes are facilitated by the Executive Editors who directly manage each review process and by the Consultants who perform the review in each specialty area [+here].

All Editors assume these responsibilities free of charge, receiving no compensation, monetary or otherwise, for all tasks here implied.

The publication also counts on the technical collaboration of one Scientific Editor and one specialized Information Technology expert.

Science Editing Officer

Amanda Bulman, ABMR Solutions, LLC

PhD in Chemistry from University of Virginia, BS, Chemistry from Clemson University (USA). She has many years of experience working as an application scientist in major analytical technologies. With a long track in sharing good science practices to a broader global audience, she is an experienced science editor in biomedical sciences. Member of the American Chemical Society and the American Portuguese Physiological Society (SPFis).



Technical Support

Clemente Rocha, ALIES / CBIOS - U Lusofona Research Center Biosciences & Health Technologies 

PhD in Health Sciences from University of Alcalá (Spain) with advanced training in Clinical Trials Monitoring from U Lusófona (Lisboa). MSc in Computer Engineering (ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon), Degree in Computer Engineering from ISPGAYA. Main research interest in microcirculation, peripheral vascular disease and non-conventional therapeutic approaches. Member of the Portuguese Physiological Society (SPFis), member of the Portuguese Association of Naturopathy (APNA).